Drying Lover Roses
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Product ID: 9813079
UniqueValentineGift.com presents the Drying Lover Roses.
The rose is one of the most important symbols in the world: the mystique of the red rose has been a source of immeasurable joy for many throughout the ages.
A wonderful way to preserve roses indefinitely is to dry them out. Instead of having a perishable gift of flowers that will last only temporarily, dried roses can, if cared for correctly, last a lifetime. What better way to show someone you care for than to give them a gift that will last indefinitely?
While white roses will turn a shade of ivory and yellow will turn a bit dingy, red roses turn a rich burgundy hue which seemingly becomes more elegant with age. These roses have been specifically selected to be superior roses for drying and the tradition is to hang them to dry for one year, until next Valentine's Day when they are to be placed in a vase.
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